przez bartchezzz » 19 sty 2015, o 14:06
witam wszystkich!
założyłem spór na ali z powodu braku towaru po zamówieniu, następnie go eskalowałem. Jest to mój pierwszy spór i nie bardzo wiem co mam dalej robić. Dzisiaj otrzymałem następującą wiadomość:
Please log in to... to provide the evidence to AliExpress before the due date.
Dear ...,
Thank you for contacting Aliexpress. I am sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your order ....
The tracking number shows the goods are in transit, we'll ask seller to contact shipping company to confirm the status of package within 3 calendar days. Please kindly understand that we need time to collect evidence or proposal from your Seller for a better understanding of the situation. We kindly suggest you need positively negotiate with your seller regarding this dispute.
If you have received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received. If we don't receive any feedback about the product problems after the goods are delivered, we will release the payment to your seller based on the delivery information.
PS: If there’s any agreement reached with the supplier before this case is closed, please provide your supportive evidence on the complaint center. Or AliExpress shall have the right to proceed to handle the Claim based on the supporting documents available and/or the settlement terms reached in the Order Messages within the Time Limit between the Buyer and the Supplier.
Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.
Znajdzie się ktoś uprzejmy i udzieli mi wskazówek? Z angielskiego jestem słaby, mniej więcej rozumie, aczkolwiek nie do końca.