Bardzo bym prosil o przetlumaczenie chcialem full refund a chinczyk chyba chce naprawiac ?
Dear friend,
1> If so, pls send mobile back for warranty, we will full test when get it.
2> Pls send phone back by registered post only (we refuse to accept any parcel by DHL or any express, due to very high customs tax than the mobile itself):
Pls follow the link and download the warranty form from the website ( point 5). fill it. ... 69422.html and send it to our After-sale service team: They will follow it.
To: Enhe Liu
Addr.: 4C A building CuiQinGe,No. 2057 DongMenBei Road,Luohu district, Shenzhen City,518020,China
Tel./ Fax : +86-755-8369 8818
Mobile no.: +86-135 3427 3800
NOTE (DO NOT FORGET) : When you return it back , please write your order number and phone problem on the paper thanks.