przez siwers1986 » 29 lip 2015, o 11:04
Bardzo bym prosił p przetłumaczenie może być w skrócie
your order<67871914709157>, I am sorry that you didn’t get an amicable solution from seller. We will try our best to provide you any support.
Since you agree to return the products for refund,please provide the shipping document with valid tracking number(including the tracking site link ), returning address to prove you have sent the goods within 10 calendar days. A full refund will be issued once the delivery is confirmed completed and goods is in good condition. If no shipping document and valid tracking number are supplied within 10 calendar days, we would assume that you want to keep the goods and the payment will be released to seller.
Please note that you should bear the shipping fee of return which may be expensive. We suggest you return the goods according to seller’s returning address. If you send it to a wrong place, you will be responsible for the loss.
1. You are suggested to return the goods by registered mail with the tracking number like AAxxxxxxxxxBB. If you choose a shipping method without track&trace service, it would be with low cost but high risk. Usually the package number of that kind of shipping cannot be tracked. If no tracking information can be located afterwards and seller didn't received goods, payment will be released to the seller.
2. If you have settled the dispute with seller, please response in thedispute detail pageso that we can be informed and follow this dispute according to the settlement.
Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.
Best regards,
AliExpress Case Management Team
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