L Speed - modyfikacja, która zawiera najlepsze tweaki dla Androida. Modyfikacja jest w formie aplikacji (instalowana z pliku apk), posiada interfejs, można wybierać i włączać wybrane tweaki. Wymaga roota i Androida w wersji 4.0 lub nowszej.
Modyfikację sam mam zainstalowaną na CM12.1, działa bardzo dobrze, system wyraźnie działa płynniej i szybciej. Na xda również jest bardzo dużo pozytywnych opinii.
INIT.D Modyfikacji nie należy używać z innymi modyfikacjami tego typu (może być niekompatybilna), więc przed instalacją należy wyczyścić dla pewności folder init.d, aby to zrobić dowolnym menedżerem plików otwieramy folder /system/etc/init.d i usuwamy wszystkie pliki, które się tam znajdują. Po tym zalecane jest zrestartowanie urządzenia.
WYMAGANIA - Android 4.0+ - uprawnienia root'a - minimum 5MB wolnej pamięci na systemowej partycji
Boost now - Use this to drop caches and slightly boost your device (this give a temporary boost) FStrim now - Trimming /system, /data and /cache partition and reduce lags Battery Calibration - This option will reset battery stats, read correct values of the battery and show correct battery level CPU tuner - CPU power save and governor tweaks Selinux - Change seliux status (android 4.3+) Cleaner Menu - Use it to clean junk files (.txt .log .tmp), app cache, and much more. Seeder - Work with device entropy, aim is reducing lags. (seeder won't work with all devices, that is a fact.) Ram manager - Script that manages low memory killer values, now with profiles OOM killer - Enable/Disable app killing when device is out of memory Cache reclaiming - Controls file system cache, and it's "refreshing" rate Cache allocation - Controls how much percent of physical memory can be taken for caches Kernel tweaks - Kernel optimizations LNET Optimizer - Various Net optimizations Disable debugging - This option will disable unnecessarily debuggers and improve battery life and performances Disable kernel panic - This will reduce chances of rebooting device when (for example) device go out of ram Kernel sleeper optimization - Sleeper Fairness is a concept used by CFS which treat sleeping/waiting tasks as if they were in a run queue. This implies tasks which spend most of the time waiting for an user input and such will get a fair share of CPU when they need it. This in an optimization for battery life in standby mode and also responsive UI. 1Kernel same-page merging - This option merge same pages in the ram and free it up. (This option will consume a bit of the battery) SD Tweak - Increase R/W speed of Internal and external SD Cards I/O tweak - Increases the Input/Output speed of overall system and makes your device snappier Zipalign - Zipalign is an archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. Specifically, it causes all uncompressed data within the .apk, such as images or raw files, to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries. The benefit is a reduction in the amount of RAM consumed when running the application Fast Charge - Enables fast charging option if your Device/Kernel supports it ZRAM - Like a SWAP but this is on ram, (kernel must support it) Wifi sleeper - Improves battery life by making Wifi scan less frequently and at particular intervals Flag tuner - Disable multitasking restrictions Better voice call quality - Aims at improving the In-Call voice quality Fix blackscreen issue after call - Fixes (if there) the black screen displayed for a few seconds , after a call, caused often by proximity Sensor Improve battery - Various useful tweaks which potentially increases your device's battery life Better scrolling - Makes the Scrolling smoother Faster boot - Speeds UP the Boot progress among other things while deactivating BootAnimation Improve image quality - Sets the Image Quality to 100% by removing the restrictions of many camera apps (EG. Google camera) which only allow middle Quality. Faster streaming - Smoother video streaming Liquid smooth UI (less lag) - Helps reducing OS Lags Disable logcat - This tweak lets you disable logs for a slight boostin performance Fast dormancy - The Fast Dormancy technology was introduced to 3G UMTS to save the current consumption of the device by switching between different mobile network modes during poor signal or low signal Misc L SPEED tweaks - Miscellaneous tweaks to help improve ur device Assertive Display - Assertive display technology is engineered to adapt to variable lighting conditions, so smartphone users who have come to rely on their devices for video entertainment will particularly enjoy the experience it provides. For instance, bright sunlight, glaring screens and light reflections won’t keep you from enjoying your latest e-book download or streaming your favorite movie. Assertive display technology works by adjusting the gamma or color curve for each pixel on the screen individually, taking into account both the content being displayed as well as the presence and intensity of any ambient light.
A co warto pozmieniać? Najlepiej próbować samemu, ponieważ dana opcja może inaczej wpłynąć na każdym romie/smartfonie.